

1 小產, 流產, 墮胎

2『生物』發育不全; 退化

3 失敗, 受挫, 夭折

4『軍』飛行中斷, 飛彈發射中止


1 使…流產, 使…墮胎

2 使計畫夭折






1 墮胎, 流產

an induced ~ 人工流產

have an ~ 流產

2 流產的胎兒; 早產兒

3 計畫夭折, 失敗

prove an ~ 結果失敗

4『生物』畸形, 發育不全




(也作 baulk)


(balked, balk.ing, balks (baulked, baulk.ing, baulks))


1 突然停止不前

The horse balked at the jump. 這匹馬突然停下來不前進

2 猶豫; 躊躇

She balked at the very idea of compromise.她對妥協感到猶豫不決

3. a.『運動』作假動作

b.『棒球』(投手) 做犯規的假動作


1 阻礙; 阻撓

2『古』規避; 錯過


1 阻礙; 障礙; 失敗


3『遊戲』(撞球) 開球區

4 a. 田畝間未犁之地

b. 橫樑; 木樑





1 腹部; 胃

a full ~ 吃得飽飽的肚子

2 鼓脹部分, 物體或動物身體的中間部分

the ~ of a flask 長頸瓶凸起的部分

3 食慾

go belly up

 死魚(魚死時腹朝上)

 失敗; 倒閉


脹起, 鼓起


使…鼓起, 使…脹起

belly up to

((美口語)) 直向…前進

belly in




1 畏縮不前, 猶豫; 膽怯

I rather ~d at having to pay 100 dollars for the dress.我正猶豫要不


2 把事情搞砸, 粗心犯錯

3 推托, 搪塞


使畏縮不前, 使膽怯


畏縮不前; 錯失, 失敗



1 失敗, 犯錯

2 輕傷, 擦傷



1 失敗, 過失

2 笨蛋, 傻子

3 乳房(女人的)


失敗, 犯錯

break [基本字彙]


(broke, broken, break.ing, breaks)


1 打破; 擊碎

2 扳碎; 砍碎

break crackers for a baby 替嬰孩扳碎餅乾

3 折斷; 分開

broke a twig from the tree 折斷樹上的小樹枝

4 a. 折斷, 摔斷

I broke my leg. 我摔斷了腿

b. 折斷, 摔斷 (一根骨頭)

I broke my femur. 我跌斷了大腿骨

5 使破裂 (但未成碎片)

6 a. 分離; 拆散

broke the set of books by giving some away送出其中幾本而拆散了這


b. 兌換成 (零錢)

break a dollar 將一元兌換成零錢

7 中斷; 改變

a plain that was broken by low hills 被低矮的丘陵所阻斷的平原

caught the ball without breaking stride 沒有改變步伐就接住了球

8『電學』中斷; 停止

break a circuit 中斷電路

9 a. 刺穿; 貫穿

The blade barely broke the skin. 刀刃僅僅刺穿皮膚

b. 分開; 穿過

a dolphin breaking water 一隻躍出水面的海豚

10 使爆炸

11 掙脫; 脫逃

break jail 逃獄; 越獄

12 a. 找出破綻; 找出疑點

They couldn't break my alibi. 他們在我的不在場證明中找不出破綻

b. 破解; 解決

break a code 破解密碼

break a spy ring 破獲了間諜集團

13 透露; 洩露

break a story 走露消息

14 凌駕; 超越

broke the league's home-run record 打破聯盟的全壘打記錄

15 克服

break the sound barrier 克服了音速障礙

16 (藉由武力) 終止; 結束

17 減少; 變小

break a fall 使瀑布的水量變少

18 使無效, 使無用

We accidentally broke the radio. 我們一不小心摔壞了這部收音機

19 使虛弱; 使絕望; 使困窘

"For a hero loves the world till it breaks him." (William Butler

Yeats)英雄深愛世人, 直到世人令他絕望

20 (事業) 破產, 失敗

Indiscretion broke both marriage and career.輕率的言行使得婚姻和事


21 降級; 撤職

22 破產; 倒閉

23 取消

break an engagement 解除婚約

break one's vacation plans 取消某人的渡假計畫

24 違反; 違背

break the speed limit 違反速限

25『法律』(經司法程序) 使 (遺囑) 無效

26 a. 戒除 (習慣)

b. 使戒除習慣

They managed to break themselves of smoking.他們設法戒掉自已的煙

27 訓練; 馴養; 馴服

The horse was difficult to break. 這匹馬難以馴服


1 破碎; 破裂

2 分裂; 裂開

3 無效; 無用; 故障

The television broke. 這部電視機壞掉了

4 崩潰; 瓦解

5 爆裂

The blister has finally broken. 這顆水泡終於破掉了

6 a. 刺穿; 貫穿

b. 干擾; 干涉

They broke in upon a heady conversation. 他們輕率地打斷別人的談話

c. 滲入; 透過

Sunlight broke into the room. 陽光照進房間

7 折斷

8 散開; 碎開

The clouds broke after the storm. 暴風雨過後, 雲層便消散了

9『遊戲』(撞球) 開球


11 離開; 脫逃

12 出現; 顯現; 發生

A storm was breaking over Miami. 暴風雨突如其來地橫掃了邁阿密

Crocuses broke from the soil. 番紅花突然從土壤裡冒了出來

13 出現 (在水面上)

14 為人所知

The big story broke on Friday. 這個重大的報導是在星期五傳出的

15 突然改變方向


The pitch broke away from the batter. 球從打擊者處曲線形地飛出去

17 變化音調

My voice broke to a whisper. 我的聲音突然變小

18『語言學』使 (元音) 發生變化

19 (馬) 改變步伐

20 打斷; 中止

We'll break for coffee at ten. 我們會在十點時休息喝杯咖啡

21 斷交; 中止契約

The partners broke over a financial matter. 合夥人因財務上的問題中


One hates to break with an old friend. 人都不喜歡跟老朋友絕交

22 突然消失

The fever is breaking. 一下子就退燒了

23 衰弱; 絕望; 屈服

Their good cheer broke after repeated setbacks.在接二連三的挫折之

後, 他們的熱誠就消退了

24 明顯地減少

Stock prices broke when the firm suddenly announced layoffs.這家公

司一宣布解僱部份員工, 股票價格便大跌

25 結束; 停止

The cold spell broke yesterday. 寒流昨天就遠離了

26 碎開; 散開

waves that were breaking along the shore 浪花沿著海岸碎開

27 ((口語)) 發生

Things have been breaking well for them.對他們而言, 事情發展得很順

28 跳霹靂舞


1 打破; 敲碎

2 破裂; 破碎

3 開端; 空隙

the break of day 破曉; 天亮

a break in the clouds 雲層的空隙

4 突然衝向; 急衝

the dog made a break toward the open field 這隻狗突然衝向曠野

5 脫逃; 逃出

a prison break 越獄行動

6 中斷; 打斷

television programming without commercial breaks沒有廣告打斷的電視節

7 暫停; 休息

a coffee break 喝咖啡休息時間

8 突然的改變; 明顯的改變

9 違反; 侵犯

a security break 妨害安全

10 突如其來的運氣 (尤指好運)

finally got the big break in life 終於碰到了一生中的好運氣

11 ((口語))

a. 允許; 通融

The boss gave me a break because I'd been sick.因為生病, 老闆便給


b. 減少; 縮減

a tax break for charitable contributions 因慈善捐獻而減

12 決裂; 斷絕

made a break with the past 不再受往事的羈絆

a break between the two families 兩個家族之間的決裂

13 ((口語)) 失言; 失禮; 失態

14 價格暴跌

15 詩行自然停頓的地方


a. 兩個段落間的間隔

b. (文章中的) 省略符號 (…)

c. (在一行的結尾處) 應該分段的地方

17『電學』電流中斷; 斷電

18『地質』(斷層, 深谷等) 地形上顯著的改變



a. 音域改變之處; 音質改變之處

b. 音域改變; 音色改變

c. 爵士樂的間奏

21 (馬的) 步伐改變

22『運動』(棒球, 板球) 突然轉向的球


24『運動』(拳擊賽時) 叫拳擊手 "分開!" 的命令

25『遊戲』(撞球) 開球

26『遊戲』(撞球, 搥球) 連續得分

27『運動.遊戲』(保齡球) 未能一次或兩次全倒

28 (也作 brake) 四輪大馬車

29 霹靂舞

break down

1 搗毀; 毀壞

break down a partition 搗毀隔板

broke down our resolve 破壞了我們的決心

2 a. 悲痛; 沮喪

b. 健康衰弱; 精神受挫

3 讓步

broke down and bought a new car 妥協而買了一輛新車

prejudices that break down slowly 慢慢放棄了成見

4 出毛病; 故障

The elevator broke down. 這架電梯壞掉了

5 崩潰; 瓦解

Opposition to the king's rule gradually broke down his authority.反


6 a. 細分; 分類; 分析

b. 可以分類; 可以分析

The population breaks down into three main groups.人口可分類為三個


7『化學』分解; 使分解


break in

1 馴服; 習慣於

2 用慣; 穿慣

break in new shoes 穿慣新鞋

3 強行闖入; 非法闖入

a prowler who was trying to break in 一個試圖非法闖入的小偷

4 a. 插嘴, 打岔

b. 干擾; 干涉

break into

1 打斷; 插入

"No one would have dared to break into his abstraction." (Alan

Paton)當他心不在焉時, 沒有人敢打斷他

2 突然開始

The horse broke into a wild gallop. 這匹馬突然瘋狂地奔馳了起來

The child broke into a flood of tears. 這個小孩突然放聲大哭

3 進入

broke into broadcast journalism at an early age早年就進入傳播新聞界


break off

1 折斷; 斷裂

2 (演說) 突然中止

3 a. 中斷; 斷絕 (關係)

b. 絕交

break out

1 (皮膚) 長出 (青春痘等)

2 突然發生

Fighting broke out in the prison cells. 牢房內突然發生鬥毆

3 a. 準備行動; 準備使用

Break out the rifles! 準備擊發步槍!

b. 消耗完

Let's break out the champagne. 讓我們喝光這瓶香檳

4 脫逃; 逃離

5 可分開的; 可分類的 (如資料)

6 (將資料) 分隔

break through

突破; 穿過

break up

1 a. 分開; 折斷

break up a chocolate bar 折斷一條巧克力棒

b. 打斷; 中斷; 干擾

An impromptu visit broke up the long afternoon.突然的造訪打斷了漫長


2 驅散; 散開

The crowd broke up after the game. 比賽結束之後, 人群四散

3 中止; 結束

Guards broke up the fight. 警衛們中止了這場打鬥

The marriage broke up. 解除婚約

4 ((口語)) 使大笑; 爆笑


break a leg


break bread


break camp


break cover


The platoon broke cover and headed down the road.這班兵士突然從掩護處


break even


break new ground


a company that broke new ground in the field of computers一家在電腦界


break (one's) neck


break rank (ranks)

1 擾亂行列

2 落伍

"Architectural experts have criticized the plaza in the past because

it breaks rank with the distinctive facades of neighboring Fifth

Avenue blocks, whose buildings are flush with the sidewalk." (Sharon

Churcher)建築專家們一向批評這家購物中心, 因它與鄰近的第五街街區特殊

的外觀比較起來顯得落伍, 而第五街所有的建築物都是和人行道切齊的

break (someone's) heart

使人痛心; 使人傷心

break (someone's) service


break the ice

1 開始

2 打開僵局; 打破矜持

break wind





1 跳河自殺

出自Steve Brodie他自稱會由布魯克林橋跳下

2 大錯;失敗



1 討厭的情形; 討厭的事

2 不愉快事件, 不愉快經歷

3 失望; 失敗



1 失敗, 弄糟, 壞事

2 含糊不清楚地說



(bust.ed, bust.ing, busts)


1 ((俚語))

a. 打破; 用力摔碎

"Mr. Luger worked it with a rake, busting up the big clods,

making a flat brown table." (Garrison Keillor)路格先生用耙子耙,

並打碎這些大土塊, 整理出一塊棕色的平地

b. 弄壞; 用壞

busted the vending machine by putting in foreign coins投入外國硬


2 停止; 結束

an attempt to bust the union 試著結束這項婚姻

3 馴養; 馴服

4 破產; 短缺

"Too often, the promise of a high-tech design leads to a weapon that

busts the budget." (Business Week)一項高科技的設計經常是導致預算短缺


5 ((俚語)) 降級; 降等

6 擊; 揍; 打

7 ((俚語))

a. 拘禁; 拘捕

b. 襲擊


1 ((俚語))

a. 破裂; 碎裂

b. 炸裂; 破壞

"Several companies have threatened to bust out of their high-wage

contracts by the dubious technique of declaring bankruptcy."

(Washington Post)一些公司威脅用糊不清的技巧宣佈倒閉以破壞他們高價


2 破產



1 失敗

"The home-style bean curd is a bust, oily and rubbery." (Mark and

Gail Barnett)這種家庭式的豆腐是個失敗的產品, 油膩又太韌了

2 破產; 倒閉

3 不景氣; 蕭條期

"Bankers consider the region's diversified economy to be good

protection against a possible real estate bust." (American Banker)在

對抗可能會發生的房地產蕭條期, 銀行家視此區域的多樣性經濟為良好的保護


4 重打; 猛擊; 痛毆

5 狂飲; 縱飲

a fraternity beer bust 一個同好之間的啤酒暢飲會

6 ((俚語))

a. 逮捕

b. 突襲



1 失誤, 錯誤, 失敗

2 一團糟


4 篇首的大寫字母

come [基本字彙]


(came, come, coming, comes)

1 a. 走向說話者或到一個特定的地方

Come to me. 走向我

b. 以特定的方法前進

The children came reluctantly when I insisted.由於我的堅持, 這個


2 a. 進展; 進步

a former drug addict who has come a long way這名已經戒毒的人吸毒


b. 演變

How are things coming today? 你今天好嗎?

They're coming fine. 他們過得不錯

3 a. 歷經一連串的進展而達到某個特定點

At last we came to the chapter on ergonomics.我們終於唸到了人類工


b. 依適當的途徑到達

Dawn comes at 5 A.M. in June. 在六月清晨五點天就亮了

4 出現

The moon came over the horizon. 月亮昇上地平線

5 及時出現, 發生

"In the...saloon...the sawdust on the floor gets changed biweekly

come fog, downpour or the occasional shard of sunlight." (Paul. A.

Witteman)在大廳裡, 地板上的鋸屑每兩週會起變化, 有時變成霧, 有時變成


6 a. 到達某個特定的結果或目的

come to an understanding 了解

b. 到達某種特定的狀況或情境

Come to your senses! 醒一醒!

c. 移到某個特定的位置

The convoy came to an abrupt halt. 這護送的隊伍突然停了下來

7 擴展; 到達

water that came to my waist 水到達我的腰部

8 具優越性, 等級在…之上

My work comes first. 我的工作第一

9 a. 處於某個特定情境或觀點

I have come to veiew the issue in a different light.我以不同的角


How did you come to know that? 你怎麼知道這件事?

b. 結果

This comes of your carelessness. 這是因為你的粗心所造成的

10 出自於

No good can come of this. 做這件事絕沒有什麼好處

11 想到

A good idea just came to me. 我剛想到一個好主意

12 a. 出來

a cry came from the frightened child 嚇壞了的孩子哭了出來

b. 產生, 衍生

Oaks come from acorns. 橡實能長成橡樹 (大東西也能來自小東西)

c. 出生

They come from a good family. 他們出身良好

d. 在既定的範圍之內

This stipulation comes within the terms of your contract.這項規定


13 來自…, 住在…

My friends come from Chicago. 我的朋友是從芝加哥來的

14 增加至相當的數量

Expenses come to more than income. 超支

15 a. 變成

The knot came loose. 結鬆掉了

This is a dream that has come true. 這是一個實現了的夢想

b. 成為

A good education doesn't come cheap. 良好教育的費用不貲

16 可獲取的

shoes that comes in all sizes 各種尺寸的鞋子

17 ((俚語)) 興奮的高潮


((粗俗俚語)) 精液

come about

1 發生

2 轉圈子


come across

1 偶然遇見

came across my old college roommate in town today今天在鎮上偶然地遇


2 ((俚語))

a. 做想做的事

b. 付所需的錢

came across with the check 以支票支付

3 給予印象

"He comes across as a very sincere, religious individual." (William

L. Clay)他給人家的印象是一個信仰很虔誠的人

come along

1 進展

Things are coming along fine. 事情順利進展

2 跟隨

I'll come along on the hike. 我將隨隊健行

3 出現

Don't take the first offer that comes along. 不要接受別人的第一個提

come around (round)

1 恢復

fainted but soon came around 昏迷但馬上甦醒

2 改變看法或立場

You will come around after you hear the whole story.你聽完整個故事之


come at

1 獲取

come at an education through study 透過學習獲得教育

2 向…衝去

come back

1 東山再起

2 回答; 反駁

came back with a sharp riposte 以機智的應對反駁

3 回憶

When I saw the picture, happy memories came back.我看到這些照片的時

候, 美好的回憶又再度浮現了

come by

1 獲得

Mortgages are hard to come by. 抵押權很難取得

2 參觀, 拜訪

come down

1 失去財富或地位

He has really come down in the world. 他在這個世界上真的失去地位了

2 a. 傳承

customs that come down from colonial times 從殖民時代傳承下來的習俗

b. 宣判

An indictment finally came down. 終於宣判起訴

3 ((俚語)) 發生

What's coming down tonight? 今晚發生了什麼事情?

come in

1 a. 到達

Fall clothes will be coming in soon. 秋裝即將上市

b. 採用

New weather information just came in. 新的氣象資訊剛被採用

c. 開始生產 (尤指油井)

2 比賽的名次

came in fifth 第五名

3 以特殊的方式執行或運作

A food processor comes in handy. 一部食品的處理機用來十分便利

4 以特殊的方式回應

The pilot's voice came in loud and clear. 飛行員回應的聲音大聲而清晰

5 扮演特定的角色

When editorial review commences, that's where you come in.編輯覆審開

始時, 那就是你要做的工作

come into


She came into a fortune on her 21th birthday.她在二十一歲生日的時候獲


come off

1 發生

The trip came off on schedule. 旅行按照行程表進行

2 勇敢地行動

3 成功

a party that came off 成功的宴會

come on

1 表現個人特定的形象

come on as old-fashioned reactionary 表現出像是保守主義者

2 ((俚語)) 對異性有興趣

trying to come on to me during the party 在宴會上試圖找我搭訕

3 a. 遞增, 進展

Darkness came on after seven. 七點以後天色漸暗

b. 逐漸開始

Sleet came on after one o'clock. 冰雹在一點以後逐漸降落

4 (常用在祈使句) 快速移動

Would you please come on? 你可以快一點嗎?

5 (主用在祈使句中) 制止不當的行為; 熱切的

You've used the same feeble excuse for weeks. Come on!你已經好幾個禮

拜都用同樣的藉口了, 別再裝了!

come out

1 揭露, 披露

The whole story came out at the trial. 整個事件在審判中披露了出來

2 出版

The author's new book just came out. 這位作者的新書剛出版

3 正式的社交

She came out at age 18 in New York City. 她十八歲的時候在紐約市初入


4 終止; 結果

Everything came out wrong. 每件事都搞砸了

5 公開地宣稱

The governer came out in favor of tax breaks.這位政府官員公開宣稱支


6 揭穿某人同性戀的身份

come over

1 改變立場

2 拜訪, 參觀

come through

1 履行某人要求的事

I asked for their help, and they came through.我要求他們的幫助, 他們


2 a. 證實

The parents'tenderness comes through in their facial expressions.父


b. 以特殊的方式溝通

The pilot's voice came though loud and clear.這位飛行員的嗓音大聲而


come to

1 恢復意識

The fainting victim came to. 昏迷的受害者清醒了

2 『航海』

a. 將船頭轉向迎風

b. 下錨

come up

1 顯現, 興起

The question never came up. 從不曾發生過這個問題

2 升起

The sun came up. 太陽升起了

3 地位或等級的提昇

a general who came up from the ranks 按等級晉升的將軍

4 拉近, 接近

came up and said hello 走近打招呼

come upon

發現; 偶然遇到


come a cropper


come clean

坦白, 全盤托出

come down on

懲罰; 對立; 嚴厲地苛責

a district attorney who came down on drug dealers 檢察官嚴辦毒品販賣者

come down to

1 直接面對

When you come right down it, you have to admit I'm correct.你面對它

的時候, 你就必須承認我是對的了

2 事實上, 也就是說

It comes down to this: the man is a cheat. 事實上這名男子是個騙子

come down with


came down with the flu 得了流行性感冒

come in for


came in for harsh criticism


come into (one's) own

1 獲得

2 受到重視, 出人頭地

a concert pianist who has at last come into his own這位鋼琴演奏家終


come off it

((俚語)) (常用祈使句) 停止愚蠢或虛偽的言行

come out with

1 說出來

always come out with the truth 不可以說謊

2 公開揭示

come to blows

搏鬥, 扭打

come to grief

災難來臨, 失敗

come to grips with


"He had to come to grips with the proposition." (Louis Auchincloss)他


come to light (hand)


"A further problem ... came to light last summer as a result of

post-flight inspection." (John Noble Wilford)去年夏天由於航空郵件的檢

查, 進一步的問題便慢慢地顯露出來了

come to terms

1 坦然面對並徹底了解

"He attemps to come to terms with his own early experiences ... and

with his father, a con man of extravagant dimensions." (Peter S.

Prescott)他試著要面對並了解他自己早期的經驗…還有他的父親, 是一個不


2 達成協議

The warring factions have at last come to terms.這些敵對的派系終於達


come true


My fondest dreams have at last come true. 我最大的夢想終於實現了

come up against

遭遇 (尤其是困難或大問題)

come up with

提出; 發現

came up with a cure for the disease 發現了這項疾病的治療方法



1 抵制; 阻礙, 消減, 抵消

2 中和, 解毒

3 使某人受挫, 失敗, 對某人採取反對行動

crash [常用字]


(crashed, crash.ing, crash.es)


1 a. 重擊; 撞碎

b. 突然遭受毀壞; 墜毀

Their car crashed into a guardrail. 他們的車撞上護欄

The airplane crashed over the ocean. 飛機在海上墜毀

2 砰然作響

breakers crashing against the rocks 海浪砰然撞在岩石上

3 橫衝直撞

went crashing through the woods 橫衝直撞地穿過樹林

4 失敗; 破產

5 ((俚語)) 吸毒後的沮喪期

6 ((俚語))

a. 暫時夜宿某處

b. 睡覺


1 使破裂

2 使破碎

3 ((口語)) 不請自來 (參加宴會)


1 碰撞聲

2 a. 破碎

b. (兩輛車) 猛撞在一起

3 (經濟, 商業上) 突然失敗

4 ((俚語)) 吸毒後的心理沮喪


((口語)) 致力完成的

a crash course on income-tax preparation 對所得稅的準備不餘遺力

a crash diet 決心要節食


crash and burn


1 慘敗

2 (因太疲累而) 睡著

3 翻覆 (如做滑板運動時)





1 詛咒; 被詛咒

2 『神學』

a. 永劫不復的審判; 最後的審判

b. 永久的懲罰

3 失敗; 毀滅


(用於表達生氣, 苦惱)

de.feat [常用字]


(de.feat.ed, de.feat.ing, de.feats)


1 擊敗; 打敗

2 破壞; 阻撓

Internal strife defeats the purpose of teamwork.內部的紛爭破壞了團隊




1 擊敗; 征服

2 失敗; 敗北

3 挫折

the defeat of a lifelong dream 終生理想的挫敗

4『法律』宣告無效; 宣判無效





1 ((古))損壞外貌; 毀容

2 『廢』失敗; 毀滅; 傾覆

devil [次常用字]


1 (常作 Devil)『神學』魔王; 撒旦

2 惡魔

3 惡人

4 人; 傢伙

a handsome devil 俊俏的傢伙

the poor devil 可憐的人

5 精力充沛的人


7 扯碎機

8 很困難的; 透頂的

has a devil of a temper 脾氣壞透了

9 怒氣

gave me the devil for cutting class 因為翹課而對我發了一頓脾氣

10 ((口語)) (用以強調語氣)

Who the devil do you think you are? 你以為自己是誰呀?

11『基督教義』 謬誤


(deviled, devil.ing, devils (devilled, devil.ling, devils))

1 以辛辣的調味料烹煮

2 激怒; 折磨; 騷擾

3 (以有鋸齒狀的機器) 撕毀 (衣物, 布料)


between the devil and the deep blue sea

左右為難; 進退維谷

gove the devil his due

對惡人亦應公平; 平心而論

go to the devil

1 失敗

2 墮落

3 (用於祈使句, 表達憤怒, 不耐煩) 滾開

play the devil with

傷害; 毀壞

the devil take the hindmost

個人頭頂一片天; 大家各自發展

the devil to pay

大難; 麻煩

There'll be the devil to pay if you allow the piglets inside the

house.如果你讓小豬仔進到屋子裡來, 可會有大麻煩的



1 挫折, 失敗

2 狼狽, 困窘

fail [常用字]


(failed, failing, fails)


1 表現欠佳; 無效率; 不符合要求

2 失敗

a valiant attempt that failed 雖敗猶榮

3 (考試) 不及格

4 a. 不夠; 不足; 用盡

The water supply failed during the drought. 旱災期間供水不足

b. 未達成 (預期的事)

failed in her obligations to the family 她沒有盡到對家庭的責任

5 (力量, 體能) 減弱

The patient's heart failed. 病人的心臟機能變弱

6 停止運轉

The engine failed. 引擎停止運轉

7 破產; 倒閉

Our family business failed in 1929. 我們的家族企業於一九二九年宣告破


1 使失望; 辜負 (期望)

Our sentries failed us. 我們哨兵的表現令人失望

2 拋棄; 遺棄

His strength failed him. 他喪失了力氣

3 遺漏未做

"We must...hold...those horrors up to the light of justice.

Otherwise we would fail our inescapable obligation to the victims of

Nazism: to remember." (Anthony Lewis)我們必須將那些慘事交付法律審判.

否則對受到納粹壓迫的犧牲者們, 我們就是沒盡到應盡的責任: 切記.

4 沒有做(某事); 疏忽

failed to wash the dishes 沒有洗盤子

5 a. 不及格

failed algebra twice 代數兩次不及格

b. 當掉 (學生)

failed me in algebra 我的代數被當了


1 未能在指定時間內, 將債券送達顧客手中

2 未能在規定的日期之前, 收到股票或債券交易的盈利


without fail


Be here at noon without fail. 中午一定要到這裡來

fail.ure [常用字]


1 失敗

the failure of an experiment 實驗失敗

2 失敗者

a failure at one's career 事業的失敗者

3 不足

a crop failure 農作欠收

4 故障

a power failure 電力故障

5 不履行; 沒做到

failure to report a change of address 沒有通知變更住址

6 不及格

7 衰退

8 破產; 無支付能力

fall [基本字彙]


(fell, fall.en, fall.ing, falls)


1 落下

2 跌落; 跌倒

I fell back in my chair. 我跌坐在椅上

The pilgrims fell to their knees. 朝聖者跪了下來

3 a. 突然倒下

b. (在戰場上) 受傷, 戰死

4 落下; 降臨

All grief fell from our hearts. 所有悲傷從心頭落下

Night fell quickly. 夜幕迅速低垂

5 休止; 靜止

The light fell on my book. 光線落在我的書本上

6 垂

The child's hair fell in ringlets. 小孩的頭髮卷卷地垂下

7 下垂

Her eyes fell. 她視線垂落下來

8 露出 (驚訝, 失望的) 表情

His face fell when he heard the report. 當他聽到那個報導時, 他面露驚

9 被攻陷; 淪淊

The city fell after a long siege 在長期的圍攻之下那城市被攻陷了

10 a. 失敗; 毀滅

After 300 years the dynasty fell. 三百年後那個王朝就毀滅了

b. 下台

The disgraced prime minister fell from power.那個聲名狼藉的首相喪


11 (坡度) 斜向

The rolling hills fall gently toward the coast.起伏的山丘逐漸緩降到


12 a. 減低

The air pressure is falling. 氣壓正在降低

b. (價值) 下跌

Last year, stock prices fell sharply. 去年股票的價格迅速下跌

c. 減輕

The patient's weight fell away rapidly. 病人的體重迅速地減輕

13 減低 (音高, 音量)

My friend's voice fell to a whisper. 我朋友的聲音減低到耳語的程度

14 a. 受誘惑; 犯罪

b. 失真

15 處於 (特別的情況)

fell silent 變得鴉雀無聲

fall in love 戀愛

16 發生 (在特別時間)

New Year's Day falls on Tuesday this year. 今年的新年是在星期二

17 發生 (在特別的地點)

The stress falls on the last sylable. 重音落在最後的音節上

18 (偶然地) 來

19 a. 被授與 (任務)

The greatest task fell to me. 最艱鉅的任務落在我身上

b. (依權利, 繼承) 被給予

20 在…範圍內

The specimens fall into three categories. 樣品分成三類

21 接觸; 遇到

My gaze fell on a small book in the corner.我的視線落到角落的一本小

22 發出

Insincere compliments fell from their lips. 違心的恭維出自他們的嘴

23 (精力充沛地) 開始

fell to work immediately 立刻開始工作

24 (尤指綿羊) 出生


砍下; 砍


1 落下

2 突然俯身低下

3 落下的東西

a fall of hail 下冰雹

4 a. 落下的量

a fall of two inches of rain 兩英吋的降雨量

b. 落下的距離

The victim suffered a fall of three stories to the ground.罹難者


5 秋天

6 (常作 falls; 與單數或複數動詞連用) 瀑布

7 傾斜; 斜坡

8 a. (婦女的) 帽紗

b. (通常位於衣領) 裝飾的項飾

c. (婦女的) 長假髮

9 a. 推翻; 瓦解

the fall of a government 政府的瓦解

b. 淪陷

the fall of Dien Bien Phu 奠邊府的陷落

10 (價值, 數量, 程度) 減低

11 貶降; 貶抑

"turned them in, set them up for prosecution; positioned them, as

it were, for the fall" (Joan Didion)把他們送交審判, 準備起訴; 好像


12 a. 墮落

b. 失貞

13 (常作 Fall)『神學』人類的墮落 (源起於亞當與夏娃的墮落)


a. (也作 pin) 把摔角對手的肩膀壓在地上的動作

b. 角力策略的運用


a. (甲板平台的) 上升, 中止

b. (常作 falls) 用來轉運貨物的設備; 用來舉起救生船的設備

16 (裝在滑車上的) 通索

17 a. (綿羊的) 出生

b. 一窩動物

18 一群山鷸

19『植物』(鳶尾花的) 花被

fall apart

破壞; 倒塌

The rickety chair fell apart. 這張不穩的椅子倒塌下來

He fell apart after years as a POW. 在數年的戰俘生活之後他崩潰了

fall away

1 疏遠; 拋棄

2 減少; 消失

3 偏離; 背叛

fall back

1 撤退; 退卻

2 退潮

The waves fell back. 浪潮退了回去

fall behind

1 趕不上; 落後

2 (付款) 拖欠

fall down

達不到預期的效果; 表現落後

fell down on the job 工作延誤

fall for

1 愛上

2 被騙

fell for the con artist's scheme and lost $200,000被假藝術家的計謀騙


fall in

1 (軍隊) 集合; 排隊

2 (屋頂, 牆壁等) 陷落; 塌陷

The roof of the old barn fell in. 舊榖倉的屋頂陷了進去

fall off

1 變少; 減低

Stock prices have fallen off. 股票價格已經下跌

The number of staff meetings fell off after a few months.幹部會議的



fall on (upon)

1 (突然地, 惡毒地) 攻擊

Snipers and irregulars fell on the hapless patrol.狙擊兵和非正規軍猛


2 遭遇; 碰到

a stockbroker who fell on hard times 一個遭遇低迷景氣的股票經紀人

fall out

1 a. 離營集合

b. 離隊

2 吵架

The siblings fell out over their inheritance.這些兄弟姐妹們為繼承方


3 發生

fall through


Our plans fell through at the last minute. 我們的計劃在最後關頭失敗了

fall to

(很有活力地) 開始

"The press fell to with a will" (Russell Baker)徵兵行動如火如荼地展開


fall back on (upon)

1 依賴

fall back on old friends in time of need 在急需之時依賴老朋友

2 依靠

I had to fall back on my savings when I was unemployed.我在沒有工作


fall between (the) two stools

陷於兩難; 不知所措

fall flat

1 完全失敗

2 毫無效果

The jokes fell flat. 那些笑話沒有引起任何反應

fall foul (afoul)

1『航海』(船隻) 相撞

2 抵觸

fell foul of the law 與法律相抵觸

fall from grace

失勢; 失寵

fall into line

與…步調一致; 贊同

fall in with

1 同意; 與…調和

Their views fall in with ours. 他們的意見與我們的一致

2 參加; 結交

fell in with the wrong crowd 加入錯誤的團體

fall on deaf ears

充耳不聞; 完全忽視

"Moscow's own familiar charges...will also fall on deaf ears" (Foreign


fall over backward (backwards)

拼命做; 過於心急

We fell over backward to complete the project on time.我們過於心急地想


fall over (oneself)


fell over themselves to impress the general's wife他們為了獲得將軍夫人


fall prey to


a person who fell prey to swindlers 被騙子給騙了的人

did not want the country to fall prey to terrorists不要讓國家遭受恐佈


fall short

1 達不到 (目標)

an athlete whose skill fell far short of expectations技巧無法符合期


2 缺乏

Our supplies of sugar and rice fell short. 我們糖和米的供應不足

fall through the cracks

被忽略; 未經檢查

"Much of the wisdom...seems to have fallen through the cracks" (Boston




1 失敗

2 小缺點, 短處


失敗的; 衰退中的

failing health 健康情況不佳

failing kidneys 衰弱的腎

a failing business 失敗的生意



Failing a rainstorm, the game will be played this afternoon.如果沒有暴

風雨, 今天下午將可舉行比賽


(fiz.zled, fiz.zl.ing, fiz.zles)

1 發出嘶嘶聲

2 ((口語)) (開始時滿懷希望, 但最後仍) 失敗


((口語)) 失敗



1 小型廉價汽車; 小飛機

2 失敗, 挫折; 欺騙

3 不值錢的東西




(flunked, flunk.ing, flunks)


(考試, 課程) 失敗, 不及格


1 (考試, 課程) 失敗, 不及格

2 使不及格


1 (考試等) 失敗, 不及格

2 不及格的成績

flunk out

因不及格而 (被) 退學





(flopped, flop.ping, flops)


1 猛落; 重重躺臥

2 亂跳; 拍動

The dog's ears flopped when it ran. 這隻狗的耳朵在牠跑步的時候搖晃不

3 ((口語)) 宣布失敗

The play flopped. 這場戲失敗了

4 ((俚語))

a. 懶洋洋地躺臥; 倚靠

b. 上床睡覺



flopped the steak onto a platter 將牛排摔放在大淺盤上


1 猛落, 猛摔

2 重重落下的聲音, 叭搭

3 ((口語)) 失敗; 失敗之作



fold [常用字]


(fold.ed, fold.ing, folds)


1 摺疊

fold a sheet of paper 把一張紙折疊起來

2 疊起來

folded the laundry 將換洗衣物疊起來

folded the chairs for stacking 將椅子疊成堆

3 收起來

The hawk folded its wings. 這隻鷹將牠的雙翅收起來

4 展開

a suitcase that folds out to become a display table展開成一張展示桌


folded the ironing board down form the wall 從牆上拉下鐵板

5 交臂, 叉手

fold one's arms 某人將雙臂交叉

6 封入; 擁抱

folded his children to his breast 擁抱他的孩子們

folded the check into the letter 將支票封入信中

7 混入

folded the beaten egg whites into the batter 將打好的蛋白混入糊狀物

8 a. ((口語)) 停止; 關閉

They had to fold the company a year after they started it.在他們

開始營業後的一年, 他們就得關閉這家公司

b.『牌戲』(將牌面朝下) 收回



1 a. 變成摺疊狀

b. 可摺疊

a bed that folds for easy storage 可摺疊以方便收藏的床

2 ((口語)) 關門大吉; 失敗


4 ((口語))

a. 投降; 退讓

a team that never folded under pressure 一支不因壓力而退讓的隊伍

b. 精疲力盡


1 摺疊

2 疊起來的部分

the loose folds of the drapery 帳簾鬆散的摺層

clothes stacked in neat folds 整齊地疊成堆的衣物

3 層; 摺痕

tore the paper carefully along the fold 小心地沿著摺痕撕開紙

4 (繩索的) 一捲

5 ((主英)) 山丘, 山谷


7『解剖學』(薄膜的) 摺痕





(foun.dered, foun.der.ing, foun.ders)


1 浸水而沉沒

The ship struck a reef and foundered. 這艘船撞到暗礁而沉沒

2 下陷

The platform swayed and then foundered. 講臺搖晃然後下陷

3 失敗, 崩潰

a marriage that soon foundered 不久就失敗的婚姻

4 摔倒; 摔倒而變跛 (指馬)

5 因過食而生病 (指家畜)

6 患蹄葉炎 (指馬)


使(船)浸水沉沒, 使摔倒, 使失敗





1 挫折, 頓挫, 失敗

2 失望


go [基本字彙]


(went, gone, going, goes)


1 前往; 進行

We will go by bus. 我們將搭公車去

Solicitors went from door to door seeking donations.募捐者挨家挨戶尋


How fast can the boat go? 這艘船行駛的速度有多快?

2 離去; 出發

Go before I cry. 在我哭之前離開

3 a. 經由

messages that go through diplomatic channels to the ambassador消


b. 求助

went directly to the voters of her district直接求助於屬於她地區的


4 a. 延伸

curtains that goes from the ceiling to the floor窗簾從天花板延伸


b. 通到, 通往

a stairway that goes to the basement通到地下室的樓梯

5 運作

The car won't go. 車子無法發動

6 a. 流傳

b. 流傳; 散佈

Wild rumors were going around the office.辦公室散佈著荒唐的謠言

7 購得

The gold watch goes to the highest bidder.金錶由出價最高的人買得

8 ((口語)) (用於強調的語氣)

She went and complained to Personnel.她到人事室去抱怨

9 (用於進行式表示未來)

I am going to learn how to dance. 我要去學跳舞

10 a. 在某種情況下

b. 變成某種情況

go mad 發瘋

hair that had gone gray 變成灰白的頭髮

c. 保持某種狀態

go barefoot all summer 整個夏天都打赤腳

d. 拼命做

Your parents went to great expense to put you through college.你


11 a. 習慣放置於…; 屬於

The fork goes to the left of the plate.叉子通常放在盤子的左邊

Where do the plates go? 盤子放在那裡?

b. 進得去

Will the suitcase go into the trunk of your car?這個手提箱放得進


12 a. 移轉

All the jewelry went to her heirs.所有的珠寶都移轉給她的繼承人

b. 分配

How much of your salary goes for rent?你的薪水有多少是用來付房租


13 給予協助

It all goes to show us that the project can be completed on time.這


14 a. 如…所說

as the saying goes 如格言所說的

b. 依照…而言

well behaved, as big dogs go 照一般的大狗而言, 表現得不錯

15 a. (時間) 過去, 逝去

The day went pleasantly enough until I received your call.接到你

的電話之前, 我過了愉快的一天

b. 用光

c. 除去; 取消

All luxuries will have to go. 所有的奢侈品都必須除去

16 a. 變弱, 衰退

His hearing has started to go. 他的聽力開始衰退

b. 解體

17 死去

18 a. 進展

How are things going? 事情進行得怎麼樣了?

b. 達到效果

creativity that made the advertising campaign really go創造性使宣


19 相配; 適合

a color that goes beautifully with your complexion能搭配你皮膚的顏

20 a. 權威

Whatever I say goes. 我說什麼就是什麼

b.有效用; 可接受

21 ((口語)) 排泄

22 ((口語)) 開始

Here goes! 現在開始!



1 照…進行

I was free to go my own way. 我可以隨心所欲做事

2 橫越

Only two of the runners went the entire distance.只有兩位跑者跑完全

3 ((口語))


go $20 on the black horse 下注二十元賭黑馬勝

b. 出價

I'll go $500 on the vase. 這個花瓶我出價五百元

4 ((口語))

a. 承擔

go bail for a client 保釋一位委託人

b. 分擔

Will you go halves with me if we win the lottery?如果我們中了彩

券, 你要和我分一半嗎?

5 總計; 重量

a shark that went 400 pounds 重達四百磅的鯊魚

6 ((口語)) 享受

I could go a cold beer right now.我現在就可以享受一杯冰涼的啤酒

7 說 (主要是用在口語的敘述)

First I go, "Thank you," then he goes, "What for?"我先說「謝謝」, 然



(pl. goes)

1 前往; 進行

2 企圖; 努力

had a go at acting 企圖採取行動

3 活動期間

4 ((口語)) 精力; 活力

had lots of go 精力充沛

5 ((口語))

a. 前進

b. (常作 Go) 起始點

"And from Go there was something deliciously illicit about the

whole affair." (Erica Abeel)這整件事情從一開始就有一些不合法的地

c. ((口語)) 成功

The space mission is a go. 這是一項成功的太空任務


((口語)) 運作

All systems are go. 所有的系統都運作良好

go about


Go about your chores in a responsible way. 以負責的態度去做你的工作

go along


They get along by going along. 他們經由合作而和諧相處

go around

1 夠用

just enough food to go around 食物剛好夠用

2 走來走去; 四處走動

3 流傳

rumors going around 謠言四處流傳

go at

1 猛烈地攻擊

2 致力於; 從事

He went at the job with a lot of energy. 他全心全意投注於這項工作

go by

1 逝去, 過去

as time goes by 隨著時間的逝去

2 拜訪

My parents were away when we went by last week.上星期我們去探視我的

父母時, 他們不在家

go down

1 a. (太陽) 下沉

The sun went down. 太陽下山了

b. 落下

The helicopter went down in a ball of fire.直升機像火球一樣掉落到地


c. 下沉

The torpedoed battleship went down. 遭水雷破壞的戰艦沈入水裡

d. 被打敗, 被毀滅

2 容易吞下

a cough syrup that goes down readily 容易吞服的咳嗽糖漿

3 ((主英)) 離開大學

4 ((俚語)) 發生

"a collection of memorable pieces about the general craziness that

was going down in those days" (James Atlas)那些日子裡發生的一些狂熱

的, 令人難以忘懷的片段

5 a. 被接受

How will your ideas go down as far as corporate marketing is

concerned?就合作經濟而言, 你的理念要如何讓人接受呢?

b. 留名於後世

a debate that will go down as a turning point in the campaign一場被


go for

1 ((口語)) 喜愛

I really go for progressive jazz. 我真的很喜愛革新的爵士樂

2 攻擊

an opponent who is known to go for jugular in arguments這位對手以善


3 充當

a couch that also goes for a bed 也可以當床用的沙發

go in

1 參加

went in with the others to buy a present 和別人一起去買一份禮物

2 靠近

Troops went in at dawn. 軍隊在傍晚時分靠近了

go off

1 爆炸

2 發出聲音

The siren went off at noon. 警報器在中午響起

3 使人成為某種狀態

Don't go off mad. 不要那麼激動

4 ((口語)) 進行

The project went off smoothly. 這項計畫進行的很順利

go on

1 發生

didn't know what was going on 不知道是怎麼回事

2 a. 繼續

Life must go on. 日子一定要過下去

b. 繼續做…

Don't go on talking. 不要一直講話

c. 進行

She went on to become a senator. 她為了要成為一位參議員而四處奔走

3 ((口語)) 滔滔不絕地說

My, you do go on. 天呀, 你真是多話

go out

1 熄滅

2 a. 出去, 外出

He went out at seven. 他七點的時候出去了

b. 參加社交活動, 交際

goes out a lot 經常參加社交活動

3 過時, 不流行

High boots went out last summer. 長統靴去年就不流行了

4 塌陷

The bridge wen out. 這座橋塌陷了

go over

1 接受, 同意

a new style that didn't go over 未被接受的新樣式

2 調查, 檢查

go over the best scores 檢查最好的成績

go through

1 仔細檢視

through the students' papers 仔細檢查學生的考卷

2 經歷

We went through hell while working on this project.做這項計畫時, 我


3 完成

I went through this sonata in 30 minutes.我在三十分鐘內就奏完了這首


go under

1 挫敗; 失敗

2 失去意識

go up

((主英)) 進入大學

go with

跟 (異性) 交往, 約會


go all the way


go back on

違約, 食言

go back on a promise 違反諾言

go begging


"Prestige or no prestige, directors' jobs at some companies have

actually gone begging." (Bill Powell)不管是有名聲或是沒有名聲, 有些公


go belly up

((口語)) 破產

"A record number of...banks went belly up." (New Republic)許多銀行都破


go bust

((口語)) 破產

"Railroads were in the news mainly when they were going bust."

(Christian Science Monitor)新聞報導主要是說鐵路公司已經快破產了

go by the board

被拋棄, 被忽略

old dress codes that have now gone by the board衣服穿著舊有的陋規已經


go down on

((粗俗俚語)) 口交

go down the line


go fly a kite

((口語)) (用於祈使句) 不要再煩人了

go for broke

((口語)) 孤注一擲

"Why not go for broke and take on somebody who is quite young and see

what he does?" (Roger L. Stevens)何不孤注一擲, 雇用一個年輕人, 然後看


go for it

((口語)) 孤注一擲; 竭盡所能

go in for

1 對…有興趣

go in for classical music 對古典音樂有興趣

2 參加

goes in for water skiing 參加滑水比賽

go it alone


go off the deep end

歇斯底里; 魯莽的行為

go one better


He has gone me one better. 他已經超過我了

go out for

成為 (某團體) 的一員

go out for varsity soccer 成為大學足球代表隊的隊員

go out of (one's) way


go out the window

((口語)) 無意義, 無效

"As soon as a third body was introduced to the Newtonian system, all

lawful ordering of processes goes out the window." (Fusion)一旦有第三

實體被引進牛頓學說的系統, 所有合理的程序都將變得毫無意義

go places

((口語)) 將會成功

a young executive who is clearly going places這位年輕的行政官員顯然將


go steady

與 (某對象) 固定地交往

go the distance

貫徹始終, 完成

go the vole


go to pieces

1 失去自制

2 失去健康

go to the mat

((口語)) 奮戰到底

The governor will go to the mat with the legislature over the

controversial spending bill.州長將為這項爭論性的議案與州議會奮戰到底

go to town


1 做事迅速有效率

2 成就極高

go up in flames (smoke)


go without saying

不待言; 不用說

It goes without saying that success is the product of hard work.成功是

經由努力得來的, 這是不消多說的

on the go

忙碌; 活躍

to go

外帶 (餐廳的食物, 飲料)

coffee and doughnuts to go 外帶咖啡和甜甜圈




put the kibosh on

使失敗; 妨礙; 阻止; 挫敗

loss [常用字]


1 失敗

nine losses during the football season 足球季中敗了九場

2 a. 丟失者

wrote their flooded house off as a loss 就當他們被洪水淹沒的房子


b. 損失

mourning their loss 悲嘆他們的損失

c. 損失的數量

selling at a 50 percent loss 以五折賣出

3 傷害; (失去的) 痛苦

4 (常作 losses) (戰時的) 死傷者

5 破壞

The war caused incalculable loss. 這場戰爭造成了無以數計的破壞


7 (保險業者) 理賠的數額


at a loss

1 虧損

sold the merchandise at a loss 賠錢賣出這些貨物

2 迷惑的; 困惑的

I am at a loss to understand those remarks.我對這些話語感到很困惑



1 輸的; 失敗的

a losing team 敗隊

a losing lottery ticket 未中獎的彩券

2 會輸的

a losing season 慘淡的時節

a losing battle 敗仗


1 失敗; 損失

2 (常作 losings) 失去的事物 (如賭博中賭輸的錢)

lose [基本字彙]


(lost, los.ing, los.es)


1 遺失; 錯置

He's always losing his keys on the way out the door.他總是在路上弄丟


2 a. (因疏忽, 意外而) 失去

I've lost three umbrellas this year. 我今年已經弄丟三把兩傘了

Britain lost its American colonies in a revolution.大英帝國在革命


b. 被剝奪

lost their lives 失去生命

lost her youth through hardship 經歷苦難而失去青春

c. 使喪偶

lost his wife 失去他的妻子

d. 無法繼續存活

a doctor who has lost very few patients 這位醫生鮮有不能治癒的病

3 無法維持; 無法保存

lost everything in the stock market crash 在股市大跌中失去一切

is losing supporters by changing his mind 因改變心意而失去擁護者

4 輸; 失敗

lost the game 輸了比賽

lost the court case 法院官司敗訴

5 喪失優勢; 未能利用

Don't lose a chance to improve your position.別喪失了這個有助於你升


6 看不見; 聽不見; 不了解

We lost the plane in the fog. 在霧中我們看不見那架飛機

I lost her when she started speaking about thermodynamics.她一開始講

熱力學, 我就一頭霧水

7 a. 使 (某人) 迷路

b. 使 (某人) 迷失 (生活目標)

8 除去

lost five pounds 減輕五磅

9 浪費

lost a week in idle occupations 無所事事浪費了一星期的時間

10 迷路; 流浪

lose one's way 迷路

11 a. 使迷惑; 擺脫

lost their pursuers 擺脫他們的追蹤者

b. 被遠超過

chased the thieves but lost them 追逐盜賊卻跟丟了

12 使變慢

13 導致…喪失

Failure to reply to the advertisement lost her the job.未能響應那廣


14 (通常用於被動式中) 使毀壞

Both planes were lost in the crash. 兩架飛機皆因雷雨而墜機

15 被詛咒


1 (因損失) 痛苦

2 被擊敗

3 慢速操控; 緩慢移動

lose out

未達 (預期的收獲)


lose out on


lose time

1 (鐘錶) 走慢

2 延遲前進



1 混亂

2 失敗, 失策

a bit of a ~ 輕微的失誤



1 歸於失敗, 不成功

The joke miscarried.那個笑話不好笑

2 未送達, 未寄到

3 流產, 早產

4 失策, 失敗



1 失敗, 失誤

2 失策

3 誤投, 誤送

4 未送達

5 流產, 早產

She has a miscarriage. 她流產了



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