Question 1.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.They are eating on a ship.(正解)
B.They are having a picnic in a park.
C.They are inside a high-class restaurant.
D.They are grabbing a bite to eat in a cafeteria.
(A) 他們在船上用餐。
(B) 他們在公園裡野餐。
(C) 他們在一家高級餐廳裡。
(D) 他們在自助餐廳裡吃點東西。

a. grab a bite to eat  匆匆吃點東西
= have a bite to eat
= snatch a bite to eat
grab vt. 抓取
bite n. 一口之量 & vt. 咬
三態為:bite, bit , bitten。
例: We grabbed a bite to eat before the meeting started.
b. cafeteria n.(工廠或校內的)自助餐廳
Question 2.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.He is singing a song for his girlfriend.
B.He is playing an instrument in a band.
C.He is receiving an award on the stage.(正解)
D.He is buying a gift for his girlfriend.
(A) 他正在為女友獻唱。
(B) 他正在樂團裡演奏樂器。
(C) 他正在台上領獎。
(D) 他正為女友買禮物。

a. instrument n. 樂器(= musical instrument);工具
例: John's son can play several musical instruments.
b. band n. 樂團
c. award n. 獎,獎項 & vt. 頒(獎)
receive an award  領獎
例: He was awarded first prize for his excellent performance.
d. stage n. 講台,舞台
Question 3.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.The sign advertises a department store.
B.Someone is playing a video game.
C.Drivers should slow down for children.
D.The stairs are straight ahead.(正解)
(A) 本標示是為一家百貨公司打廣告。
(B) 某人正在玩電視遊樂器。
(C) 駕駛人應該減速禮讓兒童。
(D) 樓梯就在正前方。

a. advertise vt. 打廣告
advertisement n. 廣告(亦可簡稱為 ad)
advertise on television / in a newspaper  在電視上播廣告∕在報上登廣告
= put / place an advertisement on television / in a newspaper
b. straight adv. 直直地
例: John was so drunk that he couldn't walk straight after the party.
Question 4.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.A bullet train is on the tracks.(正解)
B.An ice truck is delivering ice.
C.A ship is docking in Iceland.
D.A space shuttle is landing
(A) 軌道上有一列子彈列車。
(B) 一輛運冰車正在運送冰塊。
(C) 一艘船正要停靠冰島。
(D) 一架太空梭正在降落。

a. bullet train  子彈列車
bullet n. 子彈
b. dock vi. 停靠(碼頭)
c. space shuttle  太空梭
shuttle n. 往返穿梭的交通工具
例: The hotel offers a shuttle service to the airport.
Question 5.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.He is fishing from the shore.(正解)
B.He is selling fish by the sea.
C.He is fishing from a boat.
D.He is swimming in the ocean.
(A) 他正在岸邊釣魚。
(B) 他正在海邊賣魚。
(C) 他正在船上釣魚。
(D) 他正在海裡游泳。

a. shore n. 海岸
b. swim vi. 游泳
三態為:swim, swam, swum。
go swimming  去游泳
= go for a swim
例: Matt usually goes swimming on weekends.
Question 6.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.They are cooking dinner.(正解)
B.They are washing dishes.
C.They are doing the laundry.
D.They are feeding their pet.
(A) 他們正在煮晚餐。
(B) 他們正在洗碗盤。
(C) 他們正在洗衣服。
(D) 他們正在餵寵物。

a. do the laundry  洗衣服
laundry n. 待洗衣物(集合名詞,不可數)
b. feed vt. 餵養
三態為:feed, fed, fed。
c. pet n. 寵物 a pet  養......當寵物
例: Most people like to keep dogs as pets.
Question 7.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.The car cannot move.(正解)
B.It is snowing heavily.
C.The man is skiing.
D.The man is washing his car.
(A) 這輛車動彈不得。
(B) 現在大雪紛飛。
(C) 這個人正在滑雪。
(D) 這個人正在洗他的車子。

a. heavily adv. 劇烈地
b. ski vi. 滑雪
go skiing  去滑雪
例: Let's go skiing this winter.
Question 8.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.The robot is performing on stage.
B.The woman is flying a spaceship.
C.The astronaut is walking on the moon.(正解)
D.The hiker is wearing sportswear.
(A) 機器人正在舞台上表演。
(B) 這名女子正在駕駛太空船。
(C) 這名太空人正在月球上漫步。
(D) 這位健行客身穿運動裝。

a. robot n. 機器人
b. perform vi. 表演
c. spaceship n. 太空船
d. astronaut n. 太空人
例: The astronauts waved to everyone after a successful landing.
e. sportswear n. 運動服裝(集合名詞,不可數)
Question 9.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.The driver is fixing the car.
B.The car is abandoned.(正解)
C.A family is out for a picnic.
D.A second-hand car is for sale.
(A) 司機正在修車。
(B) 這輛車遭棄置。
(C) 一家人正出門野餐。
(D) 一輛二手車正在出售。

a. fix vt. 修理
例: John is fixing the engine of his car in
the garage.
b. abandon vt. 拋棄,放棄
例: How could that couple abandon their own child?
c. go for a picnic  去野餐
= go on a picnic
= have a picnic
d. a second-hand car  二手車,中古車
= a used car
e. for sale  出售
on sale  拍賣,促銷
例: Sorry, but this vase is not for sale.
The watch is on sale for $20 only.
(這隻錶特價只要 20 元。)
Question 10.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.The residents are preparing for the coming earthquake.
B.A thunderstorm is approaching the woods.(正解)
C.The fireworks display lights up the night sky.
D.Tonight the Northern Lights are very bright.
(A) 居民們正為即將來襲的地震預做準備。
(B) 一場大雷雨正逼近這片樹林。
(C) 煙火表演照亮了夜空。
(D) 今晚北極光非常明亮。

a. resident n. 居民
b. thunderstorm n. 大雷雨
c. approach vt. & vi. 接近,靠近 & n. 方法(常與介詞 to 並用)
例: As John approached the kitchen, he smelled something delicious.
We decided to adopt a different approach to the problem.
d. fireworks n. 煙火(恆用複數)
set off fireworks  施放煙火
e. display n. & vt. 展示,展出
be on display  展出中
= be on exhibition
例: All his paintings are on display at the museum.
Question 11.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.He is tutoring a student.
B.He is writing at his desk.(正解)
C.He is building a piece of furniture.
D.He is cleaning his room.
(A) 他正在指導一位學生。
(B) 他正伏案振筆疾書。
(C) 他正在製作一件家具。
(D) 他正在打掃自己房間。

a. tutor vt. 教導,輔導
tutor sb in...  教導某人......
例: John was tutored in martial arts at the age of 10.
(約翰 10 歲時拜師習武。)
b. furniture n. 傢俱(不可數)
a piece of furniture  一件傢俱
two pieces of furniture  兩件傢俱
Question 12.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.No smoking is allowed in this place.
B.There is a parking garage located nearby.
C.They do not sell bicycles or motorcycles in this store.
D.No bicycles or motorcycles are allowed here.(正解)
(A) 此處禁止吸煙。
(B) 附近有座室內停車場。
(C) 這家店不賣腳踏車或機車。
(D) 此處禁止騎乘腳踏車或機車。

locate vt. 找出(某物確切位置);坐落於(採被動語態)
be located in / at / on...  位於∕坐落於......
= be situated in / at / on...
例: We have to locate the source of water pollution.
The convention center is located right in the downtown area.
Question 13.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.He is slicing the fish.(正解)
B.He is eating lunch.
C.He is fishing.
D.He is painting a picture.
(A) 他正在將魚切片。
(B) 他正在吃午餐。
(C) 他正在釣魚。
(D) 他正在畫一幅畫。

slice vt. 將......切片(= chop)& n. 一片(食物)
a slice of bread / pizza / ham  一片麵包∕披薩∕火腿
Question 14.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.They are playing cards.
B.They are talking on the phone.
C.They are having a meeting.(正解)
D.They are browsing in a bookstore.
(A) 他們在打牌。
(B) 他們在講電話。
(C) 他們在開會。
(D) 他們在逛書店。

a. have a meeting  舉行會議
= hold a meeting
例: We'll have a meeting to discuss this issue tomorrow.
go to the meeting  參加會議
= attend the meeting
例: John didn't go to the meeting because of his sudden illness.
b. browse vi. 瀏覽,翻閱(常與介詞 through 並用)
例: I like to browse through novels in the bookstore near where I live.
Question 15.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.The museum specializes in Western art.
B.They are exchanging ideas with each other.(正解)
C.The stage is full of performers and musicians.
D.The show is popular, so they are lining up to buy tickets.
(A) 這家博物館專門典藏西方藝術品。
(B) 他們正在相互交換意見。
(C) 舞台上擠滿了表演者和樂師。
(D) 這場表演很轟動,所以他們正大排長龍等候買票。

a. specialize vi. 專門從事(與介詞 in 並用)
例: Sam specialized in computer science.
b. exchange vt. 交換
例: The visitors exchanged gifts with the mayor in the city hall.
c. line up  排隊
例: Line up! Don't cut in line.
Question 16.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.He is recording experimental data in the lab.(正解)
B.Breakfast will be ready soon.
C.The man is checking in at the front desk.
D.The library is a good place to do research.
(A) 他正在實驗室裡記錄實驗資料。
(B) 早餐就快好了。
(C) 男子正在櫃臺辦理住房登記。
(D) 圖書館是個做研究的好地方。

a. data n. 資料(複數,單數為 datum)
例: This data was collected from over 150 countries.
(這份資料是從 150 多個國家中蒐集而來的。)
b. lab n. 實驗室(為 laboratory 的簡稱)
c. check in  辦理住宿∕登機手續
d. front desk n. (飯店或公司的)服務櫃臺
例: Please hand your key to the front desk before leaving the hotel.
Question 17.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.The old man is reading a newspaper.
B.The painter is using watercolors.
C.A field is a good place to get a tan.
D.He is making observations in the field.(正解)
(A) 這個老先生正在看報紙。
(B) 這位畫家正在使用水彩上色。
(C) 野外是把皮膚曬成古銅色的好地方。
(D) 他正在田野裡做觀察。

a. watercolor n. 水彩;水彩畫(常用複數)
例: The gallery is having a show of 18th-century watercolors.
(這家藝廊正在展出 18 世紀的水彩畫。)
b. tan n. 曬成古銅色的皮膚(= suntan)
get a tan  將皮膚曬成古銅色
c. observation n. 觀察,觀測
make observations about...  對......做觀察
Question 18.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.She is on her cellphone.
B.She is using her computer mouse.
C.She is making a call.(正解)
D.She is downloading from the Internet.
(A) 她正在講手機。
(B) 她正在使用電腦滑鼠。
(C) 她正在打電話。
(D) 她正從網路上下載檔案。

a. cellphone n. 手機,行動電話
= cellular phone
= mobile phone
cellular a. 與通訊基地台有關的;細胞的
mobile a. 移動的
b. mouse n. 滑鼠
with the click of a mouse  只要按一下滑鼠鍵
例: You can do the online shopping with the click of a mouse at home.
c. download vi. & vt. 下載(檔案)
Question 19.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.The man is adjusting his glasses.
B.He is looking through a microscope.(正解)
C.The thermometer will tell the temperature.
D.With this telescope, he can see the planets.
(A) 這名男子正在調整他的眼鏡。
(B) 他正使用顯微鏡做觀察。
(C) 這支溫度計會顯示溫度。
(D) 用這支望遠鏡,他就可以觀星。

a. adjust vt. 調整,適應(與介詞 to 並用)& vi. 調適
adjust (oneself) to + N/V-ing  適應......
例: It took John a while to adjust to living abroad.
b. glasses n. 眼鏡(因鏡片有兩片,故恆用複數)
a pair of glasses  一副眼鏡
a glass  一只玻璃杯(glass 若作『玻璃杯』解釋,是可數名詞)
two glasses  兩只玻璃杯
a piece of glass  一片玻璃(glass 若作『玻璃』解釋,是不可數名詞)
two pieces of glass  兩片玻璃
c. microscope n. 顯微鏡
d. thermometer n. (量體溫或氣溫的)溫度計
e. telescope n. (單筒)望遠鏡
f. planet n. 行星(恆與介詞 on 並用)
Is there life in that planet? (╳)  
→ Is there life on that planet? (○)
Question 20.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
A.They are watching TV.
B.They are at the movies.
C.They are looking in the same direction.
D.They are using computers.(正解)
(A) 他們正在看電視。
(B) 他們正在電影院看電影。
(C) 他們正朝同一個方向望去。
(D) 他們正在使用電腦。

a. be at the movies  在電影院看電影
例: Mary was at the movies without her boyfriend yesterday.
go to a movie  看場電影
= watch a movie
= take in a movie(take in 表『觀賞』)
b. direction n. 方向
directions n. (機器、電器或藥品等)使用說明(恆用複數)
例: Please read the directions carefully before using your new laptop.
Question 1.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
The new receptionist's name is Brenda, isn't it?
A.Brenda is a fine receptionist.
B.Yes, I'm pretty sure it is.(正解)
C.No, Brenda isn't here today.
(A) 布蘭達是位優秀的接待員。
(B) 是的,我非常確定是這樣。
(C) 不是,布蘭達今天沒有來。

receptionist n.(辦公大樓或飯店裡的)接待員
Question 2.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Is our shipment arriving by truck?
A.I'm sorry, but I don't have a driver's license.
B.It should arrive within the hour.
C.Yes, by ground transportation.(正解)
(A) 很抱歉,我沒有駕照。
(B) 這個小時內應該就會送達。
(C) 是的,會用陸運。

a. driver's license  駕駛執照
license n. 執照,許可證
b. transportation n. 運輸,運輸工具
Question 3.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Should we use a courier service for this letter?
A.Thanks for your recommendation letter.
B.It's pretty important, so I think we should.(正解)
C.The post office is two blocks up the street.
(A) 多謝您的推薦函。
(B) 這封信相當重要,所以我想我們應該這麼做。
(C) 郵局就在往前走兩條街的路上。

a. courier n. (快遞)信差
b. recommendation n. 推薦;建議
make a recommendation to...  向......提出建議
例: We'll make a professional recommendation to the R & D department.
c. block n. 街區(兩條街道之間的區塊)
Question 4.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Shall we ask the boss to hire a new typist?
A.We're overworked, so that's a good idea.(正解)
B.Yes, we need a new printer.
C.What type of boss do you like?
(A) 我們負荷過重,因此那是個好主意。
(B) 對,我們需要一部新的印表機。
(C) 你喜歡哪一類型的老闆?

a. hire vt. 雇用
b. typist n. 打字員
c. overworked a. 工作過度的
Question 5.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Where are you going to exchange your money?
A.I may have to work two jobs.
B.At the bank on Conner Avenue.(正解)
C.I hope Jim pays me back soon!
(A) 我可能必須做兩份工作。
(B) 在康納大道上的那家銀行。
(C) 我希望吉姆能快點還我錢!

a. exchange vt. 兌換
b. avenue n. 大道,大街
Question 6.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
What time was the meeting?
A.I met him at 4:30.
B.It lasted two hours.
C.It started right after lunch.(正解)
(A) 我在 4 點 30 分跟他見過面。
(B) 會議持續了 2 個小時。
(C) 會議在午餐後立即開始。
Question 7.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Is there a drugstore around here?
A.Right around the corner.(正解)
B.They're open 24 hours.
C.Let's go shopping!
(A) 就在轉角處。
(B) 它們 24 小時營業。
(C) 我們去血拚吧!

drugstore n. 藥妝店(常兼售藥品、化妝品、日用品等雜貨)
Question 8.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
How are we going to raise enough capital for the new venture?
A.We could issue bonds.(正解)
B.We're going to the capital by bus.
C.Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
(A) 我們可以發行債券。
(B) 我們要搭巴士去首都。
(C) 不入虎穴,焉得虎子!(諺語)

a. raise vt. 募集
b. capital n. 資金(不可數);首都(可數)
c. venture n.(具風險性的)投資 & vt. 冒險
venture to V  冒險從事......
例: He ventured to ask Mary if she had a boyfriend.
d. issue vt. 發行
e. bond n. 債券
Question 9.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
My son works every weekday from 8:00 a.m. to noon.
A.Half-time work is better than none.(正解)
B.I have to work long hours, too.
C.When will he be back from his vacation?
我兒子平日從早上 8 點工作到中午 12 點。
(A) 上半天班總比沒工作好。
(B) 我也得長時間工作。
(C) 他何時休假回來?

weekday n. 平日,工作日(即週一至週五)
例: The store is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays.
(這家店營業時間為週一至週五早上 10 點至晚上 8 點。)
Question 10.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
When will this proposal be submitted?
A.I'm thinking of moving.
B.I'll meet them the day after tomorrow.
C.It's due next Wednesday.(正解)
(A) 我正在考慮要搬家。
(B) 我後天就會跟他們會面。
(C) 截止日是下週三。

a. proposal n. 提案
b. submit vt. 提交,呈遞
例: You have to submit your homework by tomorrow.
= You have to turn in your homework by tomorrow.
= You have to hand in your homework by tomorrow.
c. the day after tomorrow  後天
the day before yesterday  前天
Question 11.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Can you make a copy of that file for me?
A.I'm busy now. I'll do it later.(正解)
B.Can I help you?
C.The fire broke out last night.
(A) 我現在很忙,待會再做。
(B) 我可以為您服務嗎?
(C) 火災是昨晚發生的。

a. file n. 檔案
b. break out  (火災、戰爭等)爆發
Question 12.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Do you have any experience in marketing?
A.Well, I have no choice.
B.Yes, three years' as a matter of fact.(正解)
C.I think there is a market for this product.
(A) 呃,我沒有選擇餘地。
(B) 有,事實上共 3 年的經驗。
(C) 我想這個產品有其市場。

a. experience n. 經驗
例: Sam has two years' teaching experience.
b. marketing n. (市場)行銷
c. choice n. 選擇
have no choice but to + 原形 V  除了......別無選擇
= have no option but to + 原形 V
= have no alternative but to + 原形 V
例: I had no choice but to tell him the truth.
d. as a matter of fact  事實上
= in fact
Question 13.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Do I have to fill out these forms in duplicate?
A.Yes, you must use English.
B.I think we need two copies of each page.(正解)
C.Oh yes, I'm filled with anger.
(A) 是的,你必須用英文。
(B) 我想我們每頁都需要有兩份。
(C) 沒錯,我一肚子氣。

a. fill out...  填寫......
例: Have you filled out the application form?
b. duplicate n. 副本
in duplicate  一式兩份地
例: Don't forget to prepare the contract in duplicate.
c. be filled with...  充滿......
Question 14.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
How did the sales seminar go this morning?
A.It went there by plane.
B.It was well attended.(正解)
C.It will be on sale tomorrow.
(A) 它是搭飛機去的。
(B) 參與者很踴躍。
(C) 明天它會以特惠價出售。

a. seminar n. 研討會
b. attend vt. 出席,參加
at end the meeting  出席會議
Question 15.
   ( 請點選按鈕 )
Why is Mr. Martinez accompanying you to Mexico City?
A.Yes, he's from Mexico
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