1. keep his head above water勉強存活; 不負債

    to stay alive, said of a business that remains viable, but just barely.

  2. run aground 一敗塗地; 狀況百出

    to meet with serious trouble.

  3. up in the air 懸而未定

  4. get the ax 突然終止; 突然遭解雇

    to terminate or end something abruptly.

  5. have an ax to grind (找人)算帳

    someone is upset or unhappy with the actions of another, and plans to discuss the matter with them.

  6. take a backseat退居幕後; 坐冷板訂凳

    to be assigned a position of secondary importance, reclassified either permanently or terporarily

    to a lower position.

  7. ballyhoo 強力促銷

    to create a lot of commotion, especially in the advertisement or introduction of a product, service or company.

  8. drive a hard bargain處理棘手的談判

a skilled negotiator who usually successfully negotiates for his or her side. Any competitor

who, by skill, reason or simple stubbornness, wears down the other side to his own advantage.

  1. batting a thousand 戰果輝煌

    to do extremely well, to have a perfect record of success, although those with a nearly perfect success rate are also sometimes said to be batting a thousand.

  2. beating the bushes 徹底搜尋

    to perform a through search, or do whatever is necessary to create a list of useful business contacts, to do whatever may be necessary to find new contacts.

  3. best of both worlds 魚與熊掌兼得

  4. put your best foot forward 表現出最好的一面

  5. best in show 佳作; 最佳展示

  6. draw blood 言辭攻擊

    a verbal assault that caues damage.

  7. see which way the wind is blowing 探探風聲

  8. boiler plate 應急方案

  9. a bone to pick 有爭議要談

  10. bone up 惡補

  11. boner 出紕漏

  12. low blow 犯規; 耍詐

  13. bring to the table 談判籌碼

  14. buck up 鼓勵打氣

  15. buddy-buddy 友好夥伴

  16. a shoestring budget 預算極少

  17. buttonhole 攔下路人

  18. call your shot 提出先見

  19. prime candidate 當紅炸子雞

  20. hole card 祕密武器

  21. in the cards 早己註定

  22. cash flow 現金週轉

  23. chief cook and bottle washer 負責人

  24. a new broom sweeps clean 新官上任三把火

  25. clean house 大整頓

  26. climbing the ladder 升遷

  27. costs a mint 貴得離譜

  28. count your chickens before they hatch 先打如意算盤

  29. crack the whip 鞭策

  30. dead wood 扶不起的阿斗

  31. playing musical desks 調動工作崗位

  32. iron out the details 解決細節問題

  33. air out the dirty linen 揭發內幕

  34. do-or-die 不成功,便成仁

  35. out the door 外流

  36. enough said 說夠了

  37. extract a pund of salt 敲詐

  38. fall for (attraction) 被吸引

  39. fall for (tricked) 被騙

  40. fend for himself 自己照顧自己

  41. fender bender 小車禍

  42. hold his feet to the fire 給予施壓

  43. fly by night 走夜路(不值得信賴)

  44. warm fuzzies溫情攻勢

  45. give away the store 賠本生意

  46. ...a given 基本項

  47. a give away 贈品

  48. where are you going with this? 搞什麼鬼?

  49. golden calf 金礦

  50. groping for 慌亂尋找

  51. a big gun 高手; 強棒

  52. my gut tells me 馮直覺

  53. ..got a gut feeling 有個預感

  54. gutter ball 壞球; 餿主意

  55. in the gutter 直接出局

  56. out of the gutter 擺脫糜爛; 重新振作

  57. hat in hand 搖尾乞憐

  58. a red herring 煙幕彈; 模糊焦點的事

  59. eat your heart out 嫉妒吧

  60. a hit 當紅炸子雞

  61. hit the bottle 飲酒過量

  62. hir or miss 不在乎; 無所謂

  63. hit pay dirt 大爆冷門

  64. hit and run 跑秀場

  65. hit the silk 抽腿; 逃避

  66. heavy hitter 強棒; 強打

  67. when this hits the street 風聲走漏

  68. hoist on his own petard 以其人之道還治其人

  69. no host cocktails自費處理

  70. skirting the issue在邊緣上打轉

  71. jackass 笨蛋; 傻瓜

  72. Jane Doe 無名氏()

  73. John Doe無名氏()

  74. John Q. Public 一般大眾

  75. a square Jane 聖女貞德

  76. a square John 柳下惠

  77. he's a joke 肉腳

  78. Are you Joshing me? 你在呼攏我嗎?

  79. juice (energy)精力; 幹勁

  80. juice(influence)影響力

  81. jump on it 抓住機會

  82. play for keeps 玩真的

  83. a keeper 奇葩

  84. put the kibosh on it 終止

  85. kick it around 徹底的討論

  86. killjoy 掃興的人; 煞風景

  87. kiss my ass 閃邊

  88. the kiss of death 自找死路

  89. I didn't get kissed我沒有半點好處

  90. ...large再多好幾個零

  91. larger than life 超級紅人

  92. make lemonade 化腐朽為神奇

  93. line up his ducks 沙盤推演

  94. hold his liquor 酒品很好

  95. I like the cut of his jib 欣賞這種調調

  96. in the long run 長遠來看

  97. loopholes漏酒

  98. shake loose 漏餡兒

  99. cut our losses, and move on 開源節流

  100. a lost cause 註定失敗

  101. lay low避風頭

  102. it's (a real )Lulu 難搞; 棘手

  103. make nice-nice表面融洽

  104. marching orders 動員令

  105. a mark 冤大頭

  106. high water mark 創高標

  107. fresh meat 新手

  108. meeting of the minds 達成初步共識

  109. a spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down 有錢能使鬼推磨

  110. a Milquetoast 膽小鬼

  111. you read my mind正合我意

  112. my money is on...我賭…會贏

  113. muddy the waters 模糊焦點

  114. name dropper 攀關係

  115. if and when needed 有必要的話

  116. it's nonnegotiable沒得談的

  117. no ifs, ands or buts 沒有商量的餘地

  118. rub his nose on it 翻舊帳

  119. posting notice 公開宣告; 張貼公告

  120. put on notice 表明意圖

  121. off the ground 開始; 啟動

  122. in the offing交易附屬品

  123. out to lunch 魂不守舍

  124. blow over 煙消雲散

  125. overreach越級; 勉強

  126. oxymoron 矛盾說法

  127. paint with a wide bruch 草率處理

  128. pan out 順利出爐

  129. pay dirt 有利可圖

  130. run it by my people 請示專家

  131. pet peeve悲劇重演

  132. pick fights只打會贏的戰

  133. piggyback it蒙混過關

  134. in the pink狀況良好

  135. pissing into the wind 魯莽之舉

  136. played out 過氣了; 榨榨了

  137. playing five hundred ball 勝算打平

  138. poor as church mouse窮光蛋

  139. pound salt 一敗塗地

  140. press the advantage 稱勝追擊

  141. a big price tag 天文數字

  142. a hefty price 天價

  143. pricey 高價的

  144. take no prisoners 緊急動員

  145. I don't mean to pry 我不是要探聽

  146. pry his jaws open 使出絕技

  147. puffing 誇大

  148. pushover 好好先生

  149. field questions 接受質詢問答

  150. quid pro quo以物易物

  151. a rainmaker 金童

  152. rained out 延期; 取消

  153. rallying cry 精神訓話

  154. riding high一帆風順

  155. bundle of rights附加權利

  156. hit the road 離開; 離職

  157. run of the mill正規產品

  158. run ragged 加緊趕工

  159. broken field running 清場; 打頭陣

  160. street savvy 生存本能

  161. scarf up據為己有

  162. see eye to eye 共識

  163. got the shaft毀謗

  164. shafted毀謗

  165. sending mixed signals朝令夕改; 模糊不清

  166. is my slip showing? (錯誤)有被發現嗎?

  167. Mister Softy好好先生

  168. song and dance 千篇一律

  169. spitballing絞盡腦汁

  170. spring it on him 給人驚喜

  171. the squeaky wheel gets the grease 會吵的人有糖吃

  172. stays in this room 嚴格守密

  173. it's a stretch 新嘗試

  174. strike the colors 退出; 放棄

  175. strike a happy medium找到折衷方式

  176. strike out(into new areas)進攻(新領域)

  177. strike up the band 準備慶功

  178. sunk 死定了

  179. on life support岌岌可危

  180. give him a taste給點顏色瞧瞧

  181. test the waters顧客調查

  182. markig time混時間

  183. make time騰出時間

  184. over the top反應過度

  185. on track 照計畫進行

  186. get sidetracked 偏離軌道

  187. trim the fat減少開支

  188. upset the applecart推翻現況

  189. virgin territory處女地

  190. wherewithal物資

  191. what are you up to?最近還好吧?

  192. Whip into the frenzy 激將法

  193. the real why 肇事主因

  194. work with me

  195. wellspring

  196. it's a zoo

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